Floating Utopias


Floating Utopias is an exhibition and platform that brings together contemporary practices in inflatable art, architecture and activism with historical research. For centuries, inflatables have sparked people’s imagination, generating utopian dreams of alternative societies, cloud cities and floating laboratories. Inflatables embody a transformative aspect in themselves: formless bundles of material can instantly become voluminous objects, temporarily claiming physical and political space. Their light, mobile and tactile qualities entice people to be spectators, playful participants or even active disruptors.


Floating Utopias originated as an exhibition on inflatable art, architecture and activism. The exhibition was shown at the nGbK Berlin in 2018, at the ArtScience Museum Singapore in 2019, and at Lunds konsthall in 2020. The roaming character of the exhibition reflects the mobility and lightness of the medium. The airy quality of inflatables is also highlighted by the unique exhibition design of transparent panels in which the archival material is presented. The show is conceived as a traveling package that is relatively easy to install in different locations. Interested institutions can always reach out to check for availability.


Every new iteration of the exhibition sparks additional site-specific research and community building. This means that with every new iteration additional art works and archival material are added to the show, but also that we build strong connections with practitioners, students and scholars from each region. This cross-pollination has been essential for the development of this exhibition; each venue adds to the kaleidoscopic vision of the potential of inflatables. We always present the exhibition alongside a rich public program that includes interventions in public space, a film program, and Do-It-Together activities.


Interview with curators Artúr van Balen, Fabiola Bierhoff and Anna Hoetjes at Lunds Konsthall



Floating Utopias is a foundation based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with the experienced and dedicated board of Shailoh Phillips (chair), Lauren Alexander (treasurer) and Eva Brobbel (secretary).

The active curatorial team of Floating Utopias consists of Bambi van Balen, Fabiola Bierhoff and Anna Hoetjes. The exhibition design is made by Jazmin Lourdes Schenone and Agustina Pascotto.

We want to especially thank previous collaborators: Alexander Dunst, Jantien Roozenburg and Hannah Zindel (nGbK), Honor Hargar, Adrian George and Zulfadhli Hilmi (ArtScience Museum), Åsa Nacking, Emil Nilsson and Hans Carlsson (Lund Konsthall).

Website Design: Kees de Klein and Instance Studio


Bambi van Balen

Fabiola Bierhoff

Anna Hoetjes

Jazmin Lourdes Schenone

Agustina Pascotto


info [at] floatingutopias.com

Stichting Floating Utopias
Winthontstraat 9
1013BR Amsterdam

Photo Credits

All art works: courtesy of the artist/gallery/archive mentioned.
Photos Berlin: nGbK/Luca Girardini
Photos Singapore: ArtScience Museum
Photos Lund: Lunds Konsthall/Daniel Zachrisson